The Milano Tattoo Convention celebrated its 25th anniversary last month, so we were on-hand to capture the show in all of its tattoo-covered glory!

With hundreds of the world's best artists tattooing under one roof, the Milano Tattoo Convention is always one of the highlights of the year - and the 25th edition did not disappoint!

Make sure to click the button below to watch our latest video!

Det var endnu en god weekend for Killer Ink sponsorerede artister, og fire af vores tatoveringsartister modtog priser for deres utrolige arbejde.

På messens første dag modtog Debora Cherrys ‘3rd Best of Friday’ for en neo-traditionel tatovering, mens Kindamo fra Alex De Pases Or Noir Tattoo Gallery modtog ‘2nd Best of Friday’ for en sort og gråt bentatovering.

Kindamo modtog også prisen for ‘Best Large Black & Grey’ for endnu en tatovering, og Christos Galiropoulos nåede toppen af sin kategori, da han modtog ‘Best Small Black & Grey’ med et helet portræt af The Rolling Stones guitaristen Keith Richards.

Ved messens finale blev Jay Freestyle kronet ‘3rd Best of Show’ for en utrolig bentatovering med BDSM-motiv, der forenede farverealisme med pixelkunst.

Vi ville også gerne nævne vores gode ven Benjamin Laukis, der vandt ‘2nd Best Medium Colour’ for hans gode kunststykke med kranium og skrift!

Kindamo - Milano Tattoo Convention 2020 VideoDebora Cherrys - Milano Tattoo Convention 2020 VideoJay Freestyle - Milano Tattoo Convention 2020 Video